3 Reasons why you might be Unhappy today!

3 min Read

Unhappiness is a general attribution of life. Mostly every one of us is unhappy about something or the other atleast once in day or a week. It is not that we always have a miserable life, but we choose to be unhappy a lot of times. Here are the reasons! Why?

Life is hard, and deciding the essence of life is harder. Yet unhappiness is a part of life too. Grief, sorrow, and other negative emotions are sure to come in your life. But can we possibly jot down the main reason why somebody can be unhappy? We shall. We see three critical reasons for unhappiness. 

A lot of people around us seem to be unhappy and live an unsatisfactory life. One reason could be that we are greedy. Human wants have no limit. Yet, the further sections discuss the main reasons that cause unhappiness in human beings. 

The 3 reasons for Unhappiness

Here we shall discuss the reasons that bring us sorrow and grief. We shall see how the following reasons can make us unhappy and make us suffer. 

1. The sacrifice of the present

The most pathetic reason for unhappiness is the sacrifice of the present. We always sacrifice our present life in lieu of achieving something great in the future. We continuously just push ourselves and deprive ourselves of the current perseverance of happiness. This is one of the biggest reasons for dissatisfaction and unhappiness. We need to find out a way to secure tomorrow, not by worrying daily and killing yourself silently every day.

2. Existential crisis

As a matter of fact, we all are curious about the essence of life. We all want to find a purpose to live. We strive hard to achieve something in life, but we fail tremendously in some. When we fail to see the purpose of life, we lose the will to live. A lot of times, this makes us doubt our existence. We question ourselves whether we are capable of anything or not. This existential crisis takes us down and brings unhappiness. 

3. Unhealthy Diet

This might seems pretty unusual, but your diet has a vital role in your happiness. It is indeed said that 'you become what you eat.' Most of us are so busy that we don't care about what we are consuming. Your food controls your body. The food you eat can play a vital role in directing your moods and your overall well being. Hence people who do not eat healthily are always seen unhappy and in pathetic conditions. This is yet one of the significant causes of unhappiness and anxiety in human beings. 

Hence these are the few causes of unhappiness in humans. If we can leverage on these, we can surely be happier. 

Next Steps

The above reasons are sure to bring unhappiness if not taken care of. We have all face mundane challenges in life, and unhappiness is not something we want to experience daily. Instead, we need to learn how to find happiness in everything while managing these small lifestyle changes every day.


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