Why you should NEVER Regret!
3 min Read
Regret is the most gruesome feeling of life. Regret makes us curse our past to produce a present we are in. Regrets are the most painful feelings of all because of this feeling of helplessness. You know you cannot reverse the past mistakes but are not ready to live with it. We feel a deep desire to mend the bad choices we made anyhow. Hence living with regrets should never be the scenario.
Above all the emotions we feel, the emotion of loathing a previous mistake is humongous. It not only makes us feel miserable but makes us hate ourselves.
In this piece of work, we shall see why the feeling of regrets is so heinous. We would learn how a person goes through this pitiful emotion. And in the end, we might see how we can tackle the fear of regrets.
The process of regretting
When we regret about something, we go through a series of events. We do not just feel bad about past mistakes, but it is a mix of numerous emotions. We hold ourselves responsible for what we did in the past.
The first emotion is the emotion of denial. When we cry over past mistakes, we enter into a state of denial. We continuously want to deny the presence of something we didn't wish to be in.
The next emotion is the emotion of astonishment. We are bewildered by the thought that such a nuisance we could create for ourselves. We wry over our foolishness and loathe ourselves for being irrational.
The worst emotion is retribution. We penalize ourselves. We pulverize ourselves and punish us for the past. This emotion takes us deep into our thoughts and gives permanent wounds to our minds.
The next thing we put ourselves through is perseverance. We put the above three feelings in a loop and make ourselves go through the same pain again and again. We push ourselves into the vicious loop and force our minds to think about it again and again.
In the very end, we wish to undo things. We try to find ways that can undo what has already been done. It's the feeling was we completely deny living with the regrets.
Live with it
After going through all the pain that regrets give you, you try to escape from the past mistakes. It is at that point you realize that you cannot escape. This is because escaping is not what we can do. However, we try avoiding the feeling of grief that keeps tearing us apart. At this stage, one should know that we have to live with regrets. You cannot force your regrets out of your life, but to live with it. Sometimes our regrets aren't as grave as we perceive them to be. Hence receiving your regrets well is the only option left for us.
Next Steps
In the end, everything isn't gloomy, after all. What we got to understand is that we should never forget our past failures, instead, leverage on them. We should try to make ourselves better after analyzing the past. You should not hate yourself but to accept your flaws gracefully. This is life, and this is building up. Build yourself on what you are and not what you could have been.