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3 simple yoga exercise you must perform before big board meeting presentation

5 min read

Are you trying to prepare for your big meeting presentation which is going to be held the very next day? Well, it is really normal for a person to get extremely nervous while they are trying to prepare for their big day. It happens due to the intense anxiety and the level of pressure that the mind can face during the time of the commencement of the meeting.

If you are brand new to yoga, it can be hard for you to know all the poses which can calm your senses. This is why you need to make sure of a certain time, relax your muscles and prepare yourself before you get on with your big presentation for the next day.

Yoga makes the most of it

Yoga is a perfect way to calm your senses and relieve your mind from the constant pressure that you are facing for the upcoming meeting. Doing some yoga before you present yourself at the meeting is a good way you can handle all the curve balls that your manager might throw in your way. So with the help of this article, we will teach you three important and simple yoga exercises which you can definitely perform before your big day. 

Simple yoga exercises to calm your nerves

1. The mountain pose

One of the most simple yoga exercises is the mountain pose. The mountain pose is not hard to do and especially if you are a beginner, you will find it gripping and pushing your strength. All you have to do is to stand correctly with a fit posture and put your hands to the side. Make sure that your spine is straight when you are standing tall. This posture means that you have to stand correctly like the mountain. To mount the pose, hold your breath and release it for about 10 minutes till you move onto the next one. It will generalize your senses, calm your mind and prepare you for the go. 

2. Downward Facing Dog

It is one of the most common and famous yoga poses which you can do before your big meeting. Surely it will help you to loosen your muscle and all the stiffness that you might get from pressure and overthinking. Lie down on a mat and then put your legs slightly upward. Make sure that your legs are correctly bent or else it can hurt you during the stretch. Push your body towards your leg and make a slant like structure. Do it correctly so it does not put much strain to your back. 

3. Plank

Mostly known as the high plank, you need to lie down in a better position that you are about to perform the push up. Make sure that your hands are parallel to your shoulder. Slightly push your body towards the front and stay in that position for about 1 minute straight. A high plank will tighten your core and all the butterflies that you are facing for your big presentation, will be gone in just one minute.