Control your thoughts to make yourself and others Happy
3 min Read
Did you ever wonder that in how many ways our thinking affects our lifestyle? Well, it does in a number of ways. The way we think decides who we are and what we want. From happiness to fears, everything we go through is a result of our thinking. The way we process our thoughts makes us who we are.
It is our natural course of thinking and rethinking that makes our lives complicated or simple. Clear and pious thinking can change the chemical composition of your body. It changes how we see the world and how we see others for that matter. Positive and pious thinking is so important that it helps us attain comfort and pacifies our souls.
In this article, we would know how the right path of thinking can take us to be virtuous and contended, how thinking will make us happy and eliminate all our fears and sorrows.
The power of Chintan!
How are your moods affected? Do you let your external environment decide your mood? Well, most of us do. We let our feelings get influenced by external forces. We as humans are extremely materialistic. We find happiness in objects and not in solitude, in physical pleasure and not in contentment. We let the world decide how we should functions and react. But can your environment make such a great impact on you? Only if you let it do that.
There is a wide gap between our internal feelings and external forces of materialism. This is the gap in freedom. If we decide for ourselves on what should make us happy, we will be fulfilled forever. This is where Chintan comes into play.
Chintan is the concept of repeated thinking. This repeated thinking helps to train our feelings. If we repeatedly contemplate objects, we will only be materialistic. But if this contemplation is in the right direction, we would become humans of virtue.
The good and the bad Chintan
Everybody in this world undergoes Chintan. Some do this for worldly pleasure, while others do this to attain solitude. Anybody can totally take control of their thought process by realizing what should make them happy. If you continuously rethink about objects, you'll make your happiness associated with them. Whereas, if you continuously rethink about peace, your happiness would be dependent on being satisfied and attaining peace.
Science has found a new branch of study called neuroplasticity. It tells us that repeated thoughts about something make us accustomed to those thoughts. Hence repeated thinking about solace can bring solace to us. This science tells us that we can control how we think. It tells us that we can take possession of our thoughts and what comes as a result of it. We can control our moods and not let them get affected by the externalities of life. This is the gravity of Chintan.
In the end, we can understand that our thoughts can drive our life to happiness. If we can control the way we think, we can take charge of the way we feel. If we do the Chintan in the right direction, we can be happy forever.